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In addition to Raytheon floating island only ship in six frigates, two 5,000-ton armed transport ship. There rendezvous here and Raytheon floating island three thousand ton the transparent bottom Cruises. There are six-ton ​​freighter. Nine vessels are mine and Raytheon floating island almost time to custom-made, open to Singapore to join. These two days are utilized to mine 10,000 robot hands the engine to change. Sailing speed in the water fifty. In addition, also loaded on board the destroyer anti-submarine missiles and air defense Railgun group to mine. With on board with a vehicle and a mech. In order to strengthen the anti-submarine bow installed a-Shui Longyin anti-submarine acoustic cannon. Each freighter, also intends to mine the tube with a production line. At this time, three different mercenary team has to, to mine put mont blanc pens placed in three different freighter.

Fortunately, Raytheon floating island on passengers who are involved in this game. mont blanc refills are held for more than a month tickets, do not care to stay. The evening of the fourth day, four teams of 30 and 30 mech originally prepared produced everything ready, was ordered to mine. Fifth day morning before the investigation team of the United Nations peace came Raytheon floating island, louis vuitton outlet will be out with the fleet. louis vuitton outlet see Raytheon floating island and this huge fleet can not help but marvel. Passengers not to mine in the fifth floor on top of the deck, directing the mighty fleet of only 18 boats out. Just listen to eighteen whistle went off everywhere, to see all the boats in front of emergence of the whitecaps. Fleet into action. Raytheon floating island 18 knots led the way, followed by tight with the three cruises, followed by two armed transport ship and six million tons of cargo open into three rows of a square matrix.

The scene is very spectacular. The next stop is the island of Mindanao. Open with 18 knots take a day,louis vuitton outlet. Five days the situation changes, however, do not, know to mine, the previous waiting mont blanc will not be a smooth road. Start with the countries in the world, because the world who almost detached satellite and military are to mine to kill. China also stay fired several Beidou positioning. louis vuitton outlet countries a stay. The most interesting thing is that what GPS and Galileo positioning just becomes a waste. The do * blind to the same. Of course, these days have the ability to shoot satellites national team no movement in China, all countries in a position to organize for satellite radio. After seven or eight days after intensive preparation in the past two days has begun to enter the remedial shot. However, this is the beginning of the disaster, in ten days, the world total storm spacecraft crash large and small, a total of 17 cases.

